Almost every youth bowling tournament in California is a scholarship event.  There may not be thousands of dollars available at every event, but of course, every little bit helps and it does add up! 

All active CUSBC scholarships have been sent to SMART.  Please check with SMART to make sure that the correct funds are matching with your records. Create your USBC SMART login so that you can check your scholarship online and annually – Make sure that your funds are correct and that your personal info (address, phone and birthdate) information are also correct.  Congratulations on earning your award and good luck with your continued education!

USBC offers millions of dollars in scholarship money to help young bowlers get a jump start on their dreams. More than $6 million in scholarship money is offered each season by bowling associations and councils, certified tournaments and proprietors throughout the United States.

SMART, which stands for Scholarship Management and Accounting Reports for Tenpins, is a program designed to help associations and organizations set up, manage and disburse youth bowling scholarship funds.  SMART oversees 2,700 different bowling organizations’ scholarship funds, belonging to more than 105,000 individuals who have earned scholarships totaling more than $20 million. USBC’s SMART staff provides complimentary assistance for recipients and providers.  Use the following links to locate local, state and regional scholarship opportunities listed on the SMART Program & Scholarships Website.

Click to download USBC National Scholarship Awards Applications

Almost every youth bowling tournament awards scholarships. Youth leagues sometimes offer them too at the end of the season as awards. However you earn them, make sure that you keep diligent records of what you have. Many youth bowlers start earning scholarships at age 5! That’s a long time before starting college. So, make sure you keep your records straight! All USBC certified event must submit the scholarship to USBC SMART to manage. They will hold and manage the funds for you.

Your scholarship funds are available for eight years from the date of your high school graduation, or if you have already graduated from high school, eight years from the date you won the scholarship (exception to enlisted military). SMART does not allow expiration date extensions and unused scholarship funds are forfeited upon expiration. Please read the SMART scholarship policy to review what items are approved for your scholarship award. Enclosed are FAQs on the SMART program. If you have any trouble accessing your account online, please contact SMART directly at (800) 514-2695 or email: [email protected].

Click here to manage your personal SMART account.


Our tools and resources are available 24/7.

Click here for more information on SMART

USBC offers millions of dollars in scholarship money to help young bowlers get a jump start on their dreams. More than $7 million in scholarship money is offered each season by bowling associations and councils, certified tournaments and proprietors throughout the United States.

SMART, which stands for Scholarship Management and Account Reporting for Tenpins, is a program that began operation in 1994 as a service offering the bowling community a centralized location to manage bowling scholarship funds as well as providing USBC members with a resource for inquiries about bowling scholarships. In 2010, the SMART Bowling Scholarship Funding Corporation was created as an independent entity dedicated to the management, protection and promotion of the SMART scholarship funds. 

SMART oversees bowling organizations’ scholarship funds for individuals who have earned scholarships. USBC’s SMART staff provides complimentary assistance for recipients and providers.

In order to help youth bowlers achieve their educational goals and reach their full potential, we will provide effective and convenient access, safekeeping and prudent management of all scholarship funds until distributed to youth bowlers in compliance with all required regulations.

To be the premier custodian of youth scholarship funds in bowling, admired for its efficiency, transparency and friendly and responsive service.

Growing the sport of bowling for youth and adults in CA!