FORMAT: 5 games singles on the same pair of lanes Separate Open and Women’s Divisions Handicap: 90% of 220 Optional Scratch Division is available on-site ($10 cash) BRACKET AND SIDE POTS AVAILABLE
This event is open to ALL California USBC members with current membership. An Optional Scratch division is available for all divisions and youth are eligible to participate with a signed USBC Scholarship waiver prior to competing.
You must have 2022-23 California USBC membership in order to participate. Ball waivers must be completed (online or hard copy) and submitted at check-in.
ENTRY FEE: $50 per person Optional Scratch Division $10
This event is open to ALL California USBC members. An Optional Scratch division is available for all divisions and youth are eligible to participate with a signed USBC Scholarship waiver prior to competing.
This event is open to ALL California USBC members. An Optional Scratch division is available for all divisions and youth are eligible to participate with a signed USBC Scholarship waiver prior to competing.
FORMAT: Two Divisions: 176 & Up and 175 & Under (Male & Female) Handicap: 100% of 230 Optional Scratch Division is availableContinue reading 2019 CA STATE SINGLES→