2007 Hall of Fame Inductee
Stephanie Steiner

Stephanie has promoted bowling from the time she entered her first bowling center in Palm Springs, CA in 1963. Once she learned the basics of bowling itself, she was hooked. Once the center and league bowlers saw her abilities of accounting, they snagged her up for league secretary. Once she graduated from Palm Springs High School in 1964, she became secretary of 5 bowling leagues. At the same time, she taught 7 Physical Ed classes for Mrs. Marcia Stepp. She gave lectures, gave the tests, and gave out grades for Palm Springs High School.
During this time also, Stephanie was a Certified AJBC Coach, where on Wednesday afternoons, she taught the overflow of Junior & Senior bowlers, that she could not field on Saturday mornings, where she had 120 Bantams, Juniors & Seniors. She really enjoyed those times.
In 1965 her first National Tournament was in Portland, Oregon, and she received her 25-year Participation plaque in Reno, NV in 1997. Missing a few years in bowling due to back surgery, knee surgeries and elbow surgery.
Stephanie was tournament chairman of the California State 600 Women’s Bowling Club, running a tournament in Santa Maria, CA for the CA State Women’s 500/600 bowling Club. This was in the late 1980’s and she has been running several tournaments throughout the years since. She became the Secretary/Treasurer of the California State Women’s 600 Bowling Club in 1984. Promoting tournaments is what Steph does best. There was only the Singles tournament going on at the time, she started the Doubles Tournament that is held in Las Vegas, NV, going strong for 19 years. She then started the Trio’s tournament in Reno, NV, going on since 1990. She then came up with the 5-Gamer, and has incorporated this type of tournament in her local association as well. In 1991, she came up with the Calif State Women’s 500/600 doubles tournament as well. For five (5) years, the CA State Women’s 600 Bowling Club had a Mail-O-Graphic tournament. All of these tournaments have been something every year we have been so much looking forward to year in and year out, and if weren’t for someone doing all the work, we would not have the fun times we have.
On a local level, Stephanie has been so instrumental in Alameda Co being the huge success it has become. Working diligently on organizing both the WBA and BA offices, stimulating new tournaments, to keep bowlers committed to bowling in Alameda Co. So much so that there was an article written in the “American Bowler” (vol. 3, number 2 winter 2002} for her accomplishments with the association. On both the WBA and BA side, this association has joined and has a very strong unity since merged.
Stephanie was asked to serve on the 2004 ABC National Teller’s Committee in Reno, NV. One woman with 5 men.
On the WIBC level she served 5 years on the Teller’s Committee, the last two she was Co-Assistant to Chairman.
All that has been asked, Stephanie has been more than willing and committed to perform the jobs.
Promotion, Education, Working, Training, all represent Stephanie Steiner admiration in Bowling.