The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) has been creating assets since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March to help support leagues, bowling centers, associations and members in order to return to bowling in a safe and responsible way. With the 2020-21 league season underway, we wanted to highlight these resources to help everyone get back to bowling and feel safe on the lanes.

Starting leagues in a COVID-19 world
This PPT is filled with thoughts and ideas for associations and league officials to consider in partnering with their centers to assist flooring leagues.

Checklist for league kickoff during COVID-19
A one-sheet checklist for your association with ideas of how your association can assist your leagues and centers to start leagues.

FAQ to assist leagues, tournaments and state and local associations
This FAQ from the USBC Rules department provides guidance to the most pressing issues for leagues, tournaments and association annual meeting information.

2020-21 USBC Rulebook

Rules changes for the 2020-21 season
A quick summary of the rule changes for the new season, likely the most pressing for league officers.

Best practices for tournament competition:
USBC Open and Women’s Championships
USBC Short-Duration
USBC Association Tournaments